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Marching around Jericho

ComingSoon reports on a visit they made to the set of fav-tv-show-of-this-blog Jericho. Last spring, the series was cancelled at the end of its first season (and, frankly, I was so mad that they killed off my favorite character that I was almost glad; I've since cooled off, heh), but fan response was so strong (and unigue--they mailed to CBS lots of nuts to commemorate a line spoken in the season finale) that it was renewed for a seven-episode-arch this season. Here are some highlights on the upcoming storyline:

--The opening ep picks up right where the season finale left off (battle scene); the second ep skips ahead three weeks.

--The Cheyenne military (whom we saw at the tail end of last season) and mega-company Jennings and Rall (a new element in the series) move into Jericho.

--As to the bombs, will more go off? "'Maybe,' was everyone's response."

Read the details and more here. ComingSoon will dish out more as the series premiere approaches so stay tuned. Here's hoping there's just as much God-talk potential in this season as there was last season.