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God-talk Miscellany XVI

Here are some links to peruse during your downtime (what’s that?) this weekend:

BeliefNet has a piece about how most evangelicals are quiet about war in Lebanon.

Out of Ur lists Australian church resourcist Steve Addison’s 20 things to do while not planting churches. Ouch.

That ineffable Tall Skinny Kiwi (aka Andrew Jones) explores a link between medical doctors and house churches.

David in Ludlow points to Global Rich List, which gives you your ranking among the world’s richest. Check it out, especially those of you in the Western world. It’s rather sobering.

Over at Jesus Creed, Scot McNight ruminates on the emerging movement and its relationship (or lack thereof, in some cases) to orthodoxy here, here, here and here (while also giving those of us still unable to articulate exactly what the movement is a bit more of handle on the conversation), while Dr. Tony Beam at takes a swip at emergent church in an article about postmoderism, calling much of its theology “nothing more than warmed over liberalism.” Sigh. Personally, I think Beam should take some time to read McNight (as should the rest of us), but that’s just the opinion of a lowly blogger.

I don’t know where I’ve been, but here’s the lowdown on actor Stephen Baldwin the Missionary, who heads up the films/ministry Livin’ it. If you want more, take a look at a BP piece about his book (Livin’ It: What it is), this 2004 PBS interview (which includes much of his testimony) or this BeliefNet story.

Get Religion sings the (justly deserved) praises of LA Times reporter Stephanie Simon’s latest, this one profiling Dr. Francis Collins—a scientist and a believer—and his book The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, which is a call to two too-often-publicly-clashing worldviews: Collins “urges his fellow scientists to give up the arrogant assumption that the only questions worth asking are those science can answer. He entreats his fellow believers to recognize it's not blasphemous to learn about the world.”

GetRligion also ruminates over the CNN story on Malika el Aroud (the widow of suicide bomber Abdessater Dahmane) in which the Christian term “born-again” is applied to Aroud’s conversion to Islam. And, don’t leave that prolific blog without reading over the rest of its coverage on that Newsweek article on Billy Graham (here and here and here), which this blog picked up on last week.

From Christianity Today, check out John Ortberg’s ruminations on hurry sickness (something this blogger is oh-too-familiar-with) and their review of Paul Simon’s Surprise in their Glimpses of God series.

For more light-hearted reading, take a look at the Washington Times’ article about a survey that reports that men and women are still worlds apart. Nah. Really? And hat tip to Mirtika for the point to LiveJournal’s attempt to explain The DaVinci Code, which I must admit has a few spew-your-coffee moments. And thanks to RevAbi for this, um, er, not-so-relevant-to-this-site-but-oh-my-gosh-so-funny link to Cow Abduction.

(Image: by Mike D on