During a rushed and hushed pow-wow while Fake Locke/Smoke Monster/Man in Black is off talking with Jack, Sawyer fills Hurley in on his plans to escape Fake Locke and get off the island. Hurley asks if they’re going to tell Sun about those plans, and Sawyer indicates Kate is already taking care of that. Hurley: What about Sayid? Sawyer looks over at Sayid, who’s sitting by himself, his eyes blank and, well, souless. Sawyer: Sayid ain’t invited. He’s gone over the Dark Side. Hurley: Yeah, but you can always bring people back from the Dark Side. I mean, Anakin— Sawyer looks at Hurley likes he’s crazy. Sawyer: Who the hell’s Anakin? This scene is from “The Last Recruit,” one of the final episodes left in the story that is Lost . It was a rapidly paced episode that reminded me of a chessboard approaching endgame , when after eons of strategic preparation pieces are now flying around and off the board in preparation for the inevitable showdown. Among other things, we continue to watch b...
So Paul took his stand in the open space at the Areopagus and laid it out for them: "I'm here to introduce you to this God.... He doesn't play hide-and-seek with us. He's not remote; he's near. We live and move in him, can't get away from him!" ~Acts 17