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Film Snapshots: Mistakes and friends

In Sky High, Will (a teenager whose parents are superheroes and who himself has a power or two) is lamenting how he treated his true friends in order to be popular.

Will's mother, Josie: People make mistakes, Will. That's what high school's about. Heck, that's what life's about. The key is to learn from them.

Will: I hope my friends see it that way.

Josie: If someone is a true friend, you'd be surprised how understanding they can be.

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." (I Peter 4:8)

As a sidenote, this film may have its weaknesses and a high corny-ness factor, but I've always liked it--especially the way it explores how some not so pleasant aspects of high school seem to reach their tendrils into the adult world. Another favorite quote: "If life were to suddenly get fair, I doubt it would happen in high school." Heh.

(Image: Disney)