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Some more God-talk in film and television

1. Tonight is the finale of the second season of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and over at i09 Charlie Jane Anders tells you everything you need to know before the end of Sarah Connor. Yes, it just may be the end for the series, and it seems even exec producer Josh Friedman isn’t sure in this Q&A at CBR. (Just, please, don’t let it be all a dream induced by some meteor-impacted computer.) Friedman also gives another Q&A back at i09, where he comments on the religious nature of Catholic ex-FBI agent James Ellison(portrayed by real-life Christian Richard T. Jones): “I got the idea to make his character religious because of who he was. I wanted to do a religious character who believed he was moral and a good man but also got twisted around in different ways. RT's personal beliefs dovetailed nicely with the religious nature of the Terminator mythos. We've probably hit it a little hard but I like it.” Me, too.

2. Lost is definitely amping up its religious allusions, images and content. Ken at C. Orthodoxy finds a connection between the island’s temple and the myths surrounding the Jerusalem Temple. James McGrath at Exploring Our Matrix wonders if we are getting some more hints connecting the island to Eden. I also ran across a big spoiler that had better not have anything to do with my buddy Hurley or I may lose interest in the series like I did after the events surrounding the fate of this character. Consider that a warning, scribes of Lost. Heh.

3. Pushing Daisies, another series that has brought its share of God-talk into these open spaces, was cancelled awhile back, but Airlock Alpha reports its last three episodes will begin airing at the end of May.

4. You can read about the salvation of Mickey Rourke at Relevant Mag—and you can read about his new film (Passion Plays, in which he plays a down-and-out trumpet player who finds redemption when he attempts to rescue an angel) at ComingSoon and FilmChatBlog (which also has tidbits on other upcoming “quasi biblical” films).

5. ComingSoon reports that Christian Bale is joining Mark Wahlberg in Prisoners, which has a bit of God-talk in its summary: “After his 6-year-old daughter and her friend are kidnapped, a small-town carpenter butts heads with a young, brash detective in charge of the investigation. The father is a Bible-reading, deer-hunting survivalist. The cop, meanwhile, can't wait to get to the city. Feeling failed by the law, the father captures the man he believes responsible and begins to torture him in a desperate attempt to find out what he did with the girls, whom he's convinced are still alive.” I can’t help but wonder just what role “Bible reading” has to play in all that.