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More big and small screen stuff

On the big screen end, there are two new trailers worth noting. First, there’s a new Incredible Hulk television spot (above) that features the Iron Man himself, whose film this blogger really enjoyed and Peter Chattaway points out is no surprise in light of the upcoming Marvel Avenger film. (For why this blogger is looking forward to the Hulk film, go here.) Also, Bill Maher’s irreverent Religulous now has a trailer (hat tip again goes to FilmChatBlog). Comingsoon reports I-can’t-find-anything-on-this-guy Josh Zetumer is in negotiatons to pen the latest attempt to put Frank Herbert’s epic Dune to film. Dune is one of my favorite sci-fi novels of all time, and while the first film rendition is a cult classic I much prefer the SciFi Channel’s miniseries. Back in this world, Christianity Today (where reader comments to a recent review of Sex in the City once again gives CT the chance to remind us why films—even those some find objectionable—are worth reviewing and contemplating) has an article up on the upcoming Billy Graham biopic. And speaking of real people, the New York Times ran an interesting article about M. Night Shyamalan and his films, many of which contain themes associated with faith (hat tip Thunderstruck). In current films, Barbara Nicolosi reviews Kungfu Panda and Chattaway reviews Adam Sandler’s You Don’t Mess with Zohan at CT and his blog. (While my husband and I are Sandler fans, we opted to add this one to our Netflix queue and go out for sushi and shopping instead of the theater for our date night last night.) Regarding older films, PergrinJoe and I had an interesting conversation regarding Red Dawn and end times theology back in the early 1980s which spawned out of his review of the Golden Compass.

On the small screen end, Matt at BibleFilms has the latest on NBC’s Kings, a modernized version of the biblical King David story. Everything else is Battlestar Galactica (which had an excellent episode on Friday): Melinda Ledman muses on villains who love God and being the enemy at Hollywood Jesus and Image editor Gregory Wolfe tells us why BSG is so frakking great (hat tip C-Orthodoxy).

And that’s it for now!