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Food for thought: Learning to listen

From Wisdom Distilled From the Daily: Living the Rule of St. Benedict Today by Joan Chittister, OSB:
We have to learn to listen to Scripture. And we have to learn to listen to life around us.

Scripture, the Rule insists, must be read daily. How can we hear the voice of God if we are not familiar with it? How can we recognize the ways of God if we have never seen them? How can we discover the will of God in our own lives if we have never traced its clear but jagged paths in the lives of the chosen weak before us? Indeed, Scripture is basic to Benedictine life, but it is just as important to hear God's voice in the world around us. And there, perhaps, is the real test of the listening heart. It does not take much to hear our own language. What takes sanctity is to be able to hear in the tongue of the other.
(Image: mine)