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Courtesy of Songbird (who always comes up with the best questions) at RevGalBlog: "In my office the other day, two church members asked about the boat on my table. I told them it was a gift from a seminary classmate, a reminder of the work and teaching of our professor, Kirk Jones, author of Rest in the Storm: Self-Care Strategies for Clergy and other Caregivers. He always reminded us that Jesus went to the back of the boat and took a nap. Not surprisingly, I could not find an image of Jesus resting. Preaching from the boat, yes. Calming the storm, yes. Walking on water? Oh, my, yes! But no one seems to want to picture Jesus taking his rest. In this week that looks unlikely to hold a complete day off, I am pondering renewal. List four ways you like to relax or give yourself a break. Then name a fifth, something you've never been able to do, a self-care dream."Here we go:
1. Listening to music. Soft, melodic with a touch of the Caribbean or Mexico. While in a bubble bath is an added bonus.
2. Sitting still. Perferably outside. In the sun. On a porch swing.
3. Napping. Or a good night’s sleep. With no interruptions.
4. Thinking on Jesus. And his love.
5. Someday, I’d like to spend a slice of time at a retreat center like The Hermitage or a Franciscan center like Porziuncola Retreat House.
(Image: pillows by Darwin Bell at flickr; some rights reserved)