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Adding two more bloggers to the sidebar

There are two new links in my frequently visited blog list. They are much late in being noted. I’ve been reading their blogs for some time and they’ve shown up in my posts more than once, so it's about time they showed up on my sidebar.

First up is Kari at Healed Waters, whom I consider a sister-on-the-journey. Besides her own blog, she’s also a member of the Christian Women Online’s Blog Team. Her desire in writing her blog, she says, is “to simply be a Healed Water into which others can look and see Christ reflected back at them. . . . I want to fade into the deep blue stillness and quietly be a mirror which simply reflects Christ here in this place.” And that she does.

Second up is Elliot at Claw of Conciliator, who bills his blog as one of his ongoing projects, this one “to explore the intersection of religion, mainly Christianity, with the genres of science fiction and fantasy.” But believe me—like Mirtika at Mirathon (another of my favs)—while Elliot’s great in that arena, his blog is oh-so-much-more than that.

Go visit them—and the others on the list. You won’t be sorry.

(Images: bram_app at