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God-talk Miscellany II

Here are few sound-bites (blog-bites?) from God-talk I've run across out there:

1. Invisible Children’s Global Night Commute (when thousands of Americans will camp in U.S. city streets to draw attention to Uganda’s “night communters,” children who leave their villages each afternoon to walk miles to cities and towns to sleep in order to escape abduction) is but a few days away (April 29)—and it's picking up momentum in the media. Kudos to Chuck Colson for drawing attention to it this week. (He also wrote a column last week about the genocide and violence occurring in Darfur, urging people to call or write their Senators and Congressmen; visit the link for more info.)

2. If you can’t attend the Global Night Commute, then consider signing World Vision’s online declaration “deploring the abuse of children forced by rebels to become soldiers, in northern Uganda. The signed declaration will be presented to the Bush administration, Congress and the United Nations.” They're aiming for one million signatures, so head over there and sign it now.

3. The NY Times reports that Senators to Reignite Debate on Immigration this week. This is an important issue to this blog—and one all Christians should be aware of and talking about. See here and here.

4. The NY Times also ran a piece on the upcoming United 93 film (about the 9/11 plane that crashed in a Pennsylvania field): Paul Greengrass's Filming of Flight 93's Story, Trying to Define Heroics. It gives more info about how the script was put together, and explores it’s theme of communal heroism. While it doesn’t mention any religious themes, they’re there (see here and here).

5. The Washington Post reports that South Africa’s SALT Telescope May Find Light From Earliest Galaxies. The Southern African Large Telescope (or "the Great Eye of Karoo") is the Southern Hemisphere’s largest optical telescope, located in the Great Karoo desert—far from any light pollution. Why is this on the God-talk list? See here and here.

6. Two people e-mailed me a link to this map from an American Ethnic Geography web page at Valparaiso University. It is a detailed map of religion in America broken down by religion adherents, church bodies, religions (Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Catholic, Uniterian, Mormans) as well as various Protestant and Anabaptist (!) denominations. It also seems to be making its rounds on blogs. Very interesting—take a look.

That's it for now!