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God-talk Miscellany XVIII

A few tidbits of God-talk out there on the infobaun:

First up Elliot at Claw of the Conciliator points to The world according to Paul, where the blogger ruminates over what it means to care for people in a post titled provocatively Fiction of pastoral care: “I don't know if you can care for someone just because it's your job. Is it actually possible to care for someone you don't know? Is it possible to provide pastoral care for someone you don't actually care about? It seems to me that genuine care requires trust that can only be built up over time—and that the attempt in many churches of institutionalising care is, in practice, a denial of care.”

Emerging in Ludlow’s David and gang put together a program for their kids, one that ended up feeling a little like family—which makes me think he and his friends are on the right track.

New Testament scholar and Jesus Creed blogger Scot McKnight looks at some interesting questions in line with emerging thinking. In one post, he looks at the emerging movement and evangelism in light of Terrance Tiessen’s new book Who Can Be Saved? Reassessing Salvation in Christ and World Religions, which asks some basic questions like: “How does God save people? and How do the religions fit into God’s purposes in the world?” McKnight also answers a couple of reader inquires, including what he thinks of emerging writer Brian McLaren as well as the question of how McKnight can be emerging and still attend Willow Creek, the questioner proposing that “many emerging ideas you present seem to squarely contradict the mega-church approach – whether it be Willow or any other mega-church.”

Mars Hill pastor Mark Driscoll takes another swing at linking 24's Jack Bauer with Jesus, this time specifically to penal substitutionary attonement and Aslan (read his other post here).

Mirtika at Mirathon points to an interview with Mick Silva, acquisitions editor with Waterbrook Press, who (among other things) gives this advice to writers: “Commit to your calling, study God's true nature and his work in the world, and craft works that don't give readers the easy solutions, easy ways out, formula faith. Too many books offer a warped (modified) version of reality and it's time to stop selling out.” Heh. And all God’s people said, Amen!

TSK (a.ka. Andrew Jones) gives us the skinny on the new book by Wolfgang Simson (who wrote Houses that change the world, which is an important book to this blogger) now set to come out in December. In answer to my query as to from where it will be distributed: “wolfgang's manifesto of a book will only be allowed to be given away - in both PDF format and also in book form. it will be distributed through people like you and me. wolfgang is starting up a distribution system called Starfish . . .. uhhhh . . i am saying too much . .. must stop . . . i will let Wolfgang tell the story in a few weeks . . . but stay tuned.” TSK also links to this movie short with his namesake. Heh.

Lifestream's Wayne Jacobsen responds to the Ted Haggard situation by asking if we are willing to ask the larger questions about how we do church.

Christianity Today’s Leadership highlights Church of the Highlands and how their version of house churches compliment “big church.” The “small church families,” which meet during the week, “don't start their meeting with a song, nor end with a benediction. These fellowships of 6-10 people may start out with conversation around the dinner table or a backyard barbecue. Laughter and stories are shared as they talk over life's challenges or daily bungles, something not as easily done in the rush of a Sunday church service, which Highlands calls ‘big church.’” Interesting stuff.

And finally, a couple of film tidbits: First, take a look at Barbara Nicolosi’s pull-no-punches rant on Flags of the Fathers and then jump over to Peter Chattaway’s blog, which highlights on the Variety article that gives us news on The Hobbit films: one on the hobbit novel and another from Tolkien’s notes that would most likely act as a bridge-story between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings triology.

(Image: by Mike D on